

不知道晴晴是不是要長後排牙齒了,最近常做出如左圖這個 "擠酒渦" 的表情,口水量也開始增加。

晴晴出生後,我訂閱了 的 My Baby This Week Newsletters。 依據訂戶所輸入的小 baby 出生日期,每個禮拜發放一份電子報,告訴訂戶這個禮拜可以預期家中寶貝會有什麼樣的新發展。晴晴滿一歲之後,My Baby This Week 就自動 "升級" 為 My Toddler This Week。而這已經不是第一次 BabyCenter 的電子報準確預測晴晴的新進展...

晴晴跟年齡差距較大的小朋友如彤彤和杉杉一起玩的時候,互動的情形比跟年齡相仿的小朋友如晏晏還要頻繁。把晴晴和晏晏放在一起,她們通常不太會搭理對方,各玩各的,場面很 "冷"。不過,這禮拜晴晴和晏晏的關係有了新的發展─爭奪玩具。



除了玩具上的爭奪,晴晴和晏晏吃飯的時候也暗中互相較勁。晴晴已經很久沒有像那天晏晏在的時候這樣 "積極" 地黏在我身邊向我要飯吃,難道婆婆端飯出來的時候叫她們倆比賽的玩笑話,她們聽懂啦?

巧的是,這禮拜的 My Toddler This Week 談論的正是這種幼兒之間互不搭理的 "parallel play" 玩法,以及爭奪玩具 (toy tug-of-war) 的現象。因為目前晴晴和晏晏都是家中唯一的寶貝 (晏晏快當姊姊了),平常很少處在有 "競爭者" 的環境,才會演變出互相對峙的緊張局勢。久而久之,她們就會慢慢學習與同儕相處,真正地玩在一起。下文擷取自我本週收到的 My Toddler This Week:

Your 13-month-old (week 2): Me first!
At this point you're still your child's favorite playmate. But as your toddler gets better at expressing himself through words and gestures, he'll enjoy being around other children, and soon he'll start making friends. If you take him on playdates now or to the park, you may notice that he plays near other children but not really with them. Experts call this "parallel play" and it's perfectly normal for a 13-month-old who still thinks the world revolves around him. Don't expect your toddler to share toys just yet; he's too young to understand that other children might enjoy playing with something too. If a toy tug-of-war develops and someone ends up in tears, he'll be able to find another toy just as fascinating once he's done crying. Nothing soothes hurt feelings as well as another fascinating toy.


Your 13-month-old's social and emotional development: Me first!


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